AAFB Café-debate: “Brexit, US elections, populisms: What future for Europe?”, Bordeaux on the 28/11 Café-débat AAFB: “Brexit, élections US, populismes: quel avenir pour l’Europe?”, Bordeaux le 28/11
On the 28th of November 2016, the associations Libera France, Bordeaux’s antenna, and Eurofeel will greet Marie-Hélène Caillol (Presidente of LEAP) et Marianne Ranke-Cormier (Vice-Presidente of the AAFB) for a debate on: – Brexit, US elections, populisms: What future for Europe? – A If you are staying in Bordeaux, don’t miss this gathering which will take place on: Monday the 28th of November from 6:30pm […]