(Video) ERASMUS: When citizens build Europe – A gift from the AAFB to AEGEE-EUROPE, to commemorate their 30th anniversary!(Vidéo) ERASMUS: Quand les citoyens construisent l’Europe – Un cadeau de l’AAFB à AEGEE-EUROPE, dans le cadre de la commémoration de leur 30ème anniversaire!

Many events have been planned in the early months of 2015 to commemorate AEGEE-Europe’s 30th anniversary. In contribution to these celebrations, l’Association des Amis de Franck Biancheri, through “Franck Biancheri Year” label, enabled the realisation of significant events such as “The Night of the 7 antennae” in April (cf. article AEGEE-Europe ’s 30th anniversary – […]

(Video) ERASMUS: When citizens build Europe – A gift from the AAFB to AEGEE-EUROPE, to commemorate their 30th anniversary!(Vidéo) ERASMUS: Quand les citoyens construisent l’Europe – Un cadeau de l’AAFB à AEGEE-EUROPE, dans le cadre de la commémoration de leur 30ème anniversaire! Read More »