source: Toute l'Europe

How Nigel plans to Trump the EU out of existence whilst Boris and Vladimir give a helping hand, by Adrian TaylorComment Nigel prévoit de Trumper l’UE hors de son existence pendant que Boris et Vladimir lui donnent un coup de main, par Adrian Taylor

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]any Europeans have never understood Nigel Farage. His objective was never just Brexit. His real ambition is the collapse of the European Union. Enter (soon to be) President Trump. He celebrated Brexit as “a great thing”. He has also repeatedly said he will “Appoint tough and smart trade negotiators to fight on behalf of American […]

How Nigel plans to Trump the EU out of existence whilst Boris and Vladimir give a helping hand, by Adrian TaylorComment Nigel prévoit de Trumper l’UE hors de son existence pendant que Boris et Vladimir lui donnent un coup de main, par Adrian Taylor Read More »