LEAP2040 Event ! UNESCO Futures Literacy Summit: Business School of the future – 11/12/2020 at 6.00 pm
LEAP2040 & INSEEC organise their next Café du futur
FRIDAY 11th DECEMBER 2020 – 6.00 pm
in the frame of UNESCO Futures Literacy Summit
“Horizont 2030: The world is changing, Business Schools are adapting”

LEAP2040 and INSEEC will hold their next “Café du Futur” meeting in the famous frame of the Futures Literacy Summit of the UNESCO on the topic: “Business School 2030 – The world is changing, Business Schools are adapting“
INSEEC-Futur is a project of “collective intelligence of the future” of the teachers’ college. Every month, the Cafés du futur question the future: societal transformations, impact on education, the need to adapt, recommendations, etc…
It is to one of these Cafés that we invite you. As part of an exercise in collective intelligence to reinvent the specific missions of business schools, we invite you to help us better understand the major axes of economic transformation, to reflect on the added value of human beings in these new economic models, to play at proposing an “ideal program” for business schools by 2030.
You are invited to attend this workshop on Friday, December 11th at 6:00 pm: REGISTER HERE
not in his name
The image of Franck Biancheri has been used to circulate ideas opposed to his own. We have gathered in this section the elements that can be consulted in defense of his image and his work.
Franck Biancheri fonds hosted by the fjme
The Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe, in Lausanne, hostes since 2019 the archives of Franck Biancheri tracing all his associative and professional activity from 1984 to 2012.
The directory lists members of the first "Generation Europe" who crossed the path of Franck Biancheri in his research, education and activism activities. Their common history is a page of the European construction by the citizens.