The CitizensRoute invites you to its 3rd e-Tribune:
Should we wait for institutional reforms to bring out transeuropean lists for the European election 2019 ?
Tuesday Feb, 6th 2018, 18.00-19.00 (online)
Language : English
Location : ONLINE (URL will be sent to subscribed participants)
This topic will be discussed around 3 sub-questions:
- Institutional reforms vs civil society, what comes first ?
- What kind of institutional reforms would we need ?
- How do we bring out and promote transeuropean lists ?
One hour open debate, with our special guests:
-David Carayol (Newropeans)
-Davide Castro (Diem25 Belgium)
-Maarten de Groot (Citizens Initiative)
-Adrian Taylor (iCAN Change Agents Network)
-Jens Baganz (We are Europe)
Send an e-mail @ victoire@eucitizenprocess.net and get your personal invitation to join the debate!
Coordination and more information @ victoire@eucitizenprocess.net
*The “e-Tribunes” consist of monthly online meetings organised by the CitizenRoute’s partners, aimed at providing the opportunity for emerging political movements to present and confront their positions on European “burning issues”. This kind of exercice is in line with CitizenRoute”s mantra : “Given today’s huge challenges of redefinition of the European project, let’s start the 2019 European election campaign NOW!” You can find the proceedings of our e-Tribunes on the topics « Europe and Catalunya » here and “Consitution and/or Democratisation” right here!
The CitizensRoute invites you to its 3rd e-Tribune:
Should we wait for institutional reforms to bring out transeuropean lists for the European election 2019 ?
Tuesday Feb, 6th 2018, 18.00-19.00 (online)
Language : English
Location : ONLINE (URL will be sent to subscribed participants)
This topic will be discussed around 3 sub-questions:
- Institutional reforms vs civil society, what comes first ?
- What kind of institutional reforms would we need ?
- How do we bring out and promote transeuropean lists ?
One hour open debate, with our special guests:
-David Carayol (Newropeans)
-Davide Castro (Diem25 Belgium)
-Maarten de Groot (Citizens Initiative)
-Adrian Taylor (iCAN Change Agents Network)
-Jens Baganz (We are Europe)
Send an e-mail @ victoire@eucitizenprocess.net and get your personal invitation to join the debate!
Coordination and more information @ victoire@eucitizenprocess.net
*The “e-Tribunes” consist of monthly online meetings organised by the CitizenRoute’s partners, aimed at providing the opportunity for emerging political movements to present and confront their positions on European “burning issues”. This kind of exercice is in line with CitizenRoute”s mantra : “Given today’s huge challenges of redefinition of the European project, let’s start the 2019 European election campaign NOW!” You can find the proceedings of our e-Tribunes on the topics « Europe and Catalunya » here and “Consitution and/or Democratisation” right here!