« Antidemocratic and xenophobic forces of Europe have always been attracted by the European unity dream, the mystic of the imperial Rome»
(FB - 1998)
" Being a citizen is a voluntary act "
(FB - 2009)
"Thinking about the future only makes sense if it is aimed at improving one’s thinking about the present and about the trends at work"
(FB - 1998)
"The European project is not a dream, but a hope. It is rooted in rationality, which is not the case with dreams. We Europeans have seen our dreams end in nightmares too often not to be suspicious."
(FB - 2005)
"The strength of a network is judged at the information level of the weakest link, or more precisely the link furthest from the centre of the network."
(FB - 2004)
"Europe's destiny is escaping the two "Greats" and it will come knocking on the door of the Europeans."
(FB - 1989)
"The history of Europe is a bit like a multifaceted diamond. Everyone sees the same diamond... but no one sees exactly the same facets."
(FB - E-storia project, 2004)
"Let us dare the future as the founding fathers of Europe did"
(FB - "From EU to Euroland", 2001)
"The European citizenship can not be decreed. The European citizen can only be born..."
(FB - 1992)
"Every state is a minority in the EU. In any case, let’s not forget that if all our states went into building the EU it is because they all felt too small to face alone both their future and the rest of the world."
(FB - 2003)
"From a single (EU) Currency to a single (EU) Citizenship. The euro is only an instrument."
(FB - 1997)
"An empire is always providing platforms where conflicts and wars prolife­rate... an empire needs enemies, whilst a Community requires partners."
(FB - 1992)
"Europe’s history has taught us that dreams and nightmares are the two faces of the same coin"
(FB - “Europe is Peace” 2006)
"Everybody wants to have a successful enlargement whereas it is a successful enlarged EU which is important."
(FB - 2002)
"It is clear that the existing national political parties can not serve two masters: national and European."
(FB - IDE, 1989)
"It takes teamwork to make Europe move forward."
(FB - 2005)
"There is nothing like one European. The European is a team of Europeans... the only way we can imagine a European, it is a team of people from different countries, not a single man or woman."
(FB - Enschede (NL) 2012)
"On the horizon with a heaven of freedom and a land of responsibility, this is perhaps the soul of Europe."
(FB - 1992)
"The future challenge for the European project is not about Europe anymore, it is about the Europeans."
(FB - 2005)
"The more Brussels speaks English, the less Brussels understands the Europeans"
(FB - 2004)
"Occupy the Future of Europe!"
("What do YOU want as a future for AEGEE?" Franck Biancheri at the 2012 Agora in Enschede)
"To combine new technologies and democratic principles to succeed in the entry of European integration in the 21st century or e-democracy at the service of Euro-democracy"
(FB - EUSV, 2001)
"In the years 00 of the 21st century, democratization can only take place in the perspective of the democratic election of a European executive that remains to be invented."
(FB - EUSV, 2001)
"We must build the European Community, otherwise Europe will soon be culturally Americanised, politically Finlandised and technologically Japanised"
EGEE I, 1984

Marie-Hélène Caillol

Small political comments of a Euro-Citizen: EP’s Presidency (Franck Biancheri, 2004)Petits commentaires politiques d’un Euro-Citoyen: Présidence du Parlement européen (Franck Biancheri, 2004)

This article is the 3rd in a series published by Franck Biancheri in 2004 Small political comments of a Euro-Citizen. We republished it today because it demonstrates once again the perspicacity and simplicity Franck Biancheri used to describe the dysfunctions of the European political system and their inherent dangers. Today if not the Schulz parenthesis, […]

Small political comments of a Euro-Citizen: EP’s Presidency (Franck Biancheri, 2004)Petits commentaires politiques d’un Euro-Citoyen: Présidence du Parlement européen (Franck Biancheri, 2004) Read More »

Reemergence of political archaism (Franck Biancheri, 2007)

Archaism, for the managerial elites, is to become convinced that managing a country is just like managing a company… To make understanding any main event that rhythms the geopolitical evolution of the world we like to remember the very fine analyzes of Franck Biancheri. Those on the political archaism, which was addressed to Europe and

Reemergence of political archaism (Franck Biancheri, 2007) Read More »

Offener Brief an die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G20-Staaten: Letzte Chance, den Zerfall der öffentlichen Ordnung aufzuhalten (Franck Biancheri, LEAP, 2009)

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,   In wenigen Tagen treffen Sie sich in London zu einem weiteren Gipfeltreffen. Aber ist Ihnen eigentlich bewusst, dass Ihnen gerade noch sechs Monate bleiben zu verhindern, dass die Welt in eine tiefe Krise von mindest zehnjähriger Dauer abstürzt? Mit diesem offenen Brief möchte LEAP/E2020, das den Ausbruch der “umfassenden

Offener Brief an die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G20-Staaten: Letzte Chance, den Zerfall der öffentlichen Ordnung aufzuhalten (Franck Biancheri, LEAP, 2009) Read More »

Open letter to the G20 Leaders (Franck Biancheri, 2009)Lettre ouverte aux dirigeants du G20 (Franck Biancheri, 2009)

London G20 Summit: Last chance before global geopolitical dislocation The following is an open letter from Franck Biancheri, Director of studies of LEAP to the G20. On March 29, 2009, Franck Biancheri signed an open letter in the Financial Times international edition from LEAP/E2020 to the G20 leaders who were going to meet in London

Open letter to the G20 Leaders (Franck Biancheri, 2009)Lettre ouverte aux dirigeants du G20 (Franck Biancheri, 2009) Read More »

Marie-Hélène Caillol: “They destroyed the EU” (interview by la Vanguardia, 30/12/2016)Marie-Hélène Caillol: “Ils ont détruit l’UE” (interview dans la Vanguardia, 30/12/2016)

Among all the think tanks in the world, LEAP (Laboratoire Européen d’Anticipation Politique) is truly a rare bird: it is independent. Hence its heterodoxy and its interest. In 1998, this think tank predicted the return of the “grandchildren of Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and Petain” in Europe; in 2006 it predicted the crisis of the subprimes; it has

Marie-Hélène Caillol: “They destroyed the EU” (interview by la Vanguardia, 30/12/2016)Marie-Hélène Caillol: “Ils ont détruit l’UE” (interview dans la Vanguardia, 30/12/2016) Read More »

Organising the first Trans-European Election: Our campaign addressing the European Leaders [Press release – December 7, 2016]Notre campagne auprès des dirigeants européens pour l’organisation d’une première vraie élection transeuropéenne [Communiqué – 07/12/2016]

This open letter entitled “Countering the British “Coup d’Etats” with a European democratic blow – Towards a first real trans-European election” and edited by the Franck Biancheri Network, was sent by mail on 25th of November 2016 to the European Leaders listed below (National Heads of States and Heads of Governments, Foreign and European Affairs

Organising the first Trans-European Election: Our campaign addressing the European Leaders [Press release – December 7, 2016]Notre campagne auprès des dirigeants européens pour l’organisation d’une première vraie élection transeuropéenne [Communiqué – 07/12/2016] Read More »

Letter from Carla Biancheri to protect her father’s memory (13/12/2016)

Some spiteful organisations are disgracefully, and against my expressed will, using the image and the name of my father to circulate ideas radically opposed to his.   If you are shocked by this highjacking of my father’s 30 year-long fight and message for a democratized EU harmoniously connected to the world, you are welcome to

Letter from Carla Biancheri to protect her father’s memory (13/12/2016) Read More »

Empower or legitimize the European Institutions (Franck Biancheri, 2001)Renforcer les pouvoirs ou légitimer les compétences des institutions européennes (Franck Biancheri, 2001)

Two events prompt us to republish today this text of Franck Biancheri written in May 2001. Firstly because the project of the antenna AEGEE-Budapest, winner of the Franck Biancheri Award 2017, on the theme “Educate now, Democratize the future”, take roots in this text in which Franck Biancheri foresaw the risks of non-democratic deviation arising

Empower or legitimize the European Institutions (Franck Biancheri, 2001)Renforcer les pouvoirs ou légitimer les compétences des institutions européennes (Franck Biancheri, 2001) Read More »

The 10 Lessons from the election of Donald Trump (Cyril Castro, Nov. 22nd, 2016)Les 10 leçons de l’élection de Donald Trump (Cyril Castro, 22 Nov. 2016)

Cyril Castro is the President of Europe Populaire, a French political party, a partner of the N-Platform network launched in 2014 (with the support by the Association of Friends of Franck Biancheri) to help small and medium-sized political parties in Europe to get closer together and to bring a genuine European dimension to the debates

The 10 Lessons from the election of Donald Trump (Cyril Castro, Nov. 22nd, 2016)Les 10 leçons de l’élection de Donald Trump (Cyril Castro, 22 Nov. 2016) Read More »

AEGEE-Budapest wins the Franck Biancheri Award 2017 !AEGEE-Budapest remporte le Franck Biancheri Award 2017 !

To help keep Franck Biancheri’s work alive, the AEGEE (Association des Etats généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe), which Franck was the founder of, and the AAFB (Association des Amis de Franck Biancheri) have jointly created the FRANCK BIANCHERI AWARD. Each year, with the financial, documentary and educational support of the AAFB, one AEGEE antenna organizes

AEGEE-Budapest wins the Franck Biancheri Award 2017 !AEGEE-Budapest remporte le Franck Biancheri Award 2017 ! Read More »