« Antidemocratic and xenophobic forces of Europe have always been attracted by the European unity dream, the mystic of the imperial Rome»
(FB - 1998)
" Being a citizen is a voluntary act "
(FB - 2009)
"Thinking about the future only makes sense if it is aimed at improving one’s thinking about the present and about the trends at work"
(FB - 1998)
"The European project is not a dream, but a hope. It is rooted in rationality, which is not the case with dreams. We Europeans have seen our dreams end in nightmares too often not to be suspicious."
(FB - 2005)
"The strength of a network is judged at the information level of the weakest link, or more precisely the link furthest from the centre of the network."
(FB - 2004)
"Europe's destiny is escaping the two "Greats" and it will come knocking on the door of the Europeans."
(FB - 1989)
"The history of Europe is a bit like a multifaceted diamond. Everyone sees the same diamond... but no one sees exactly the same facets."
(FB - E-storia project, 2004)
"Let us dare the future as the founding fathers of Europe did"
(FB - "From EU to Euroland", 2001)
"The European citizenship can not be decreed. The European citizen can only be born..."
(FB - 1992)
"Every state is a minority in the EU. In any case, let’s not forget that if all our states went into building the EU it is because they all felt too small to face alone both their future and the rest of the world."
(FB - 2003)
"From a single (EU) Currency to a single (EU) Citizenship. The euro is only an instrument."
(FB - 1997)
"An empire is always providing platforms where conflicts and wars prolife­rate... an empire needs enemies, whilst a Community requires partners."
(FB - 1992)
"Europe’s history has taught us that dreams and nightmares are the two faces of the same coin"
(FB - “Europe is Peace” 2006)
"Everybody wants to have a successful enlargement whereas it is a successful enlarged EU which is important."
(FB - 2002)
"It is clear that the existing national political parties can not serve two masters: national and European."
(FB - IDE, 1989)
"It takes teamwork to make Europe move forward."
(FB - 2005)
"There is nothing like one European. The European is a team of Europeans... the only way we can imagine a European, it is a team of people from different countries, not a single man or woman."
(FB - Enschede (NL) 2012)
"On the horizon with a heaven of freedom and a land of responsibility, this is perhaps the soul of Europe."
(FB - 1992)
"The future challenge for the European project is not about Europe anymore, it is about the Europeans."
(FB - 2005)
"The more Brussels speaks English, the less Brussels understands the Europeans"
(FB - 2004)
"Occupy the Future of Europe!"
("What do YOU want as a future for AEGEE?" Franck Biancheri at the 2012 Agora in Enschede)
"To combine new technologies and democratic principles to succeed in the entry of European integration in the 21st century or e-democracy at the service of Euro-democracy"
(FB - EUSV, 2001)
"In the years 00 of the 21st century, democratization can only take place in the perspective of the democratic election of a European executive that remains to be invented."
(FB - EUSV, 2001)
"We must build the European Community, otherwise Europe will soon be culturally Americanised, politically Finlandised and technologically Japanised"
EGEE I, 1984

Marie-Hélène Caillol

How to avoid having the Copenhagen Summit go down in history as a missed opportunity: the successful enlargement of the European Union! (Franck Biancheri, 2002)Comment éviter que le Sommet de Copenhague n’entre dans l’Histoire comme celui d’une immense occasion manquée: celle de réussir l’Union européenne élargie! (Franck Biancheri, 2002)

If you wonder why Eastern european countries are so eager to regain souvereignity (borders, immigration, currency etc …) we invite you to read again this article of Franck Biancheri written in September 2002, three months before the Copenhagen Summit, 12-13 December 2002, which would ratify the accession of 10 new member states on May 1st […]

How to avoid having the Copenhagen Summit go down in history as a missed opportunity: the successful enlargement of the European Union! (Franck Biancheri, 2002)Comment éviter que le Sommet de Copenhague n’entre dans l’Histoire comme celui d’une immense occasion manquée: celle de réussir l’Union européenne élargie! (Franck Biancheri, 2002) Read More »

Everybody wants to have a successful enlargement whereas it is a successful enlarged EU which is important (FB 09/2002)Tout le monde veut réussir l’élargissement … alors que c’est la réussite de l’Europe élargie qui compte (FB 09/2002)

Franck Biancheri, 08/09/2002, in How to avoid having the Copenhagen Summit go down in history as a missed opportunity: the successful enlargement of the European Union! Franck Biancheri, 08/09/2002, dans Comment éviter que le Sommet de Copenhague n’entre dans l’Histoire comme celui d’une immense occasion manquée: celle de réussir l’Union européenne élargie!  

Everybody wants to have a successful enlargement whereas it is a successful enlarged EU which is important (FB 09/2002)Tout le monde veut réussir l’élargissement … alors que c’est la réussite de l’Europe élargie qui compte (FB 09/2002) Read More »

Call for players able to change the media world in Europe: Horizon 2019, less than two years to promote a political debate with European accents !Appel aux acteurs de changement dans le monde des médias en Europe : Horizon 2019, moins de deux ans pour rendre audible un débat politique aux accents européens !

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen I was 23, in 1988, I spent a year in Cairo, Egypt. At the time, the Europeans were laughing at the Egyptian information system focused on declarations, encounters and shaken hands of the state’s supreme leader, Hosni Mubarak. Nowadays, 30 years later, it is clear that, as a public debate, the microphones of the

Call for players able to change the media world in Europe: Horizon 2019, less than two years to promote a political debate with European accents !Appel aux acteurs de changement dans le monde des médias en Europe : Horizon 2019, moins de deux ans pour rendre audible un débat politique aux accents européens ! Read More »

[Open call] Official launch of the Franck Biancheri Award 2018 for AEGEE antennas: win 2,000 euros![Open call] Lancement officiel du Franck Biancheri Award 2018 pour les antennes AEGEE: remportez 2000 euros!

Each year, the Franck Biancheri Award allocates a financial support to the AEGEE-antenna with the most creative programme of Franck Biancheri-related activities. Be this antenna in 2018 and win the Award. Win 2,000 €! … Invent a programme to discover and discuss the core-ideas of AEGEE-Europe’s founder. Be creative and get a chance to win

[Open call] Official launch of the Franck Biancheri Award 2018 for AEGEE antennas: win 2,000 euros![Open call] Lancement officiel du Franck Biancheri Award 2018 pour les antennes AEGEE: remportez 2000 euros! Read More »

Comments on a proposed „Treaty for the Democratisation of the Eurozone“ by Thomas Piketty and Friends (Christel Hahn)Commentaires sur le „traité de démocratisation de la zone Euro“ présenté par Thomas Piketty et amis (Christel Hahn)

Piketty’s „Pour un traité de démocratisation de l’Europe“, which is available in french since March, has just been released in german as „Für ein anderes Europa“ (for a different Europe). The subtitle of the german book clarifies, that the book presents a „Treaty for the Democratisation of the Eurozone“1, a very specific project, which of

Comments on a proposed „Treaty for the Democratisation of the Eurozone“ by Thomas Piketty and Friends (Christel Hahn)Commentaires sur le „traité de démocratisation de la zone Euro“ présenté par Thomas Piketty et amis (Christel Hahn) Read More »

FB Memories: The Erasmus program? How I convinced Mitterrand (Domenico Lenarduzzi in the Messaggero Veneto)FB Memories: Le programme Erasmus ? Comment j’ai convaincu Mitterrand (Domenico Lenarduzzi dans le Messaggero Veneto)

This is a statement that we all know about Franck Biancheri, who tells in many articles, videos (see the video below, when he was selected among the 14 challengers of Reto 2030), but especially in his book “The emergence of eurocitizens – a brief history of AEGEE-Europe” how in March 1987 during a lunch at

FB Memories: The Erasmus program? How I convinced Mitterrand (Domenico Lenarduzzi in the Messaggero Veneto)FB Memories: Le programme Erasmus ? Comment j’ai convaincu Mitterrand (Domenico Lenarduzzi dans le Messaggero Veneto) Read More »

FB Doc last publication: “The first ever truly global crisis” – an interview with Franck Biancheri (2008)FB Doc dernière parution: “La toute première vraie crise globale” – une interview de Franck Biancheri (2008)

«It’s the end of a geopolitical era, not of capitalism» Franck Biancheri, 16/12/2008 This crisis is definitely the terminal moment of the Bretton Woods system, 1944 version at the end of the World War II and 1971-76 version after the Nixon shock. Also it’s the bridge for a change in the great power system. In this

FB Doc last publication: “The first ever truly global crisis” – an interview with Franck Biancheri (2008)FB Doc dernière parution: “La toute première vraie crise globale” – une interview de Franck Biancheri (2008) Read More »

From “Biancheri Athens 1998” to “Macron Athens 2017”: Upgrading democracy takes 20 years

Emmanuel Macron’s recent speech in Athens puts on the table the great political challenges facing the EU. Rebuilding citizens’ trust, democratising the EU, opening the European election to trans-European lists, politically refounding the Eurozone… These ideas are truly echoeing another speech, delivered 20 years ago, in Athens too, by Franck Biancheri, at the time when,

From “Biancheri Athens 1998” to “Macron Athens 2017”: Upgrading democracy takes 20 years Read More »

It is clear that the existing national political parties can not serve two masters: national and European (Franck Biancheri, IDE 1989)Il est évident que les partis politiques nationaux existants ne peuvent pas servir deux maîtres: national et européen (Franck Biancheri, IDE 1989)

Franck Biancheri, 19/02/1989 Around 30 years, this quote is soon 30 years old! And it was not just words, he did it: with IDE, Initiative for a European Democracy, the  very first European political party launched by Franck Biancheri in 1987 for the European election in 1989, and in 2009 with Newropeans. One sole European

It is clear that the existing national political parties can not serve two masters: national and European (Franck Biancheri, IDE 1989)Il est évident que les partis politiques nationaux existants ne peuvent pas servir deux maîtres: national et européen (Franck Biancheri, IDE 1989) Read More »

European Transnational Lists, a real good progressive idea! (Marianne Ranke-Cormier)Listes transnationales européennes une vraie bonne idée progressiste! (Marianne Ranke-Cormier)

Because future belongs to European ideas and projects in politics as well as in other domains (Franck Biancheri in “Eurocitoyens versus national parties, the game has started” – 1987) I will not even mention the link to the article “Transnational Lists, a false good idea”, published by the Taurillon, to which I decided to react

European Transnational Lists, a real good progressive idea! (Marianne Ranke-Cormier)Listes transnationales européennes une vraie bonne idée progressiste! (Marianne Ranke-Cormier) Read More »