It is with great joy and emotion that we presented the Franck Biancheri Heritage Community 2020 Prize to Marie-Hélène Caillol, our president, president of LEAP2040 and director of the GEAB, during a virtual cocktail party organised at the closing of the ceremony for the handover of the Euro-citizens 2020 Directory to the Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe on 22nd October.
Distanciation, confinement and curfew obliging, this trophy was given to her in person by 3 of the members of the association during a lunch on Tuesday 27th October, Pierre-Marie Pagès, Marianne Ranke-Cormier and Jordi Lafon-Lacaze, three symbolic people since Pierre-Marie Pagès was a friend of Franck from the benches of the Masséna high school in Nice, Marianne Ranke-Cormier accompanied him in his projects for more than 25 years and Jordi Lafon did a huge work of immersion in his work and the Franck Biancheri networks for the realization of the Directory.
We thank you, Marie-Hélène, for having brought us together around you, driven since the end of 2012 in spite of its sinuosity and the accidents on this road 2020 in memory of our friend, Franck. Europe2020 may be over, but Europe2040 here we are!
In the name of the Franck Biancheri Heritage Community, Anne-Béatrice, Carla, Caroline, Christel, Geta, Maria, Marianne, Véro, Adrian, Alain, Jordi, Laurent, Mica, Pepe, Pierre-Marie, Philippe Caillol, Philippe Portalier, Régis.